Sunday, October 25, 2009

Meal Plan for Sept. 26th- 31st

So, I kinda got lazy with my meal plans, not knowing if anyone really gives a hoot about this part of the blog, but I did get an email asking where they went, so- here we go again.... if you DO give a hoot.

Monday- Santa Fe Salad with Chicken
Tuesday- Chicken, Marsala, & Tomato Sandwiches (crock pot) & Brussel Sprouts
Wednesday- Spaghetti & Crunchy Spinach Salad
Thursday- Spinach & Leek White Bean Soup
Friday- left overs
Saturday- out


katygirl said...

um, i totally came on here to get the chicken marsala sandwich recipe to make on tuesday night and YOU have it on your meal plan! i DO give a hoot. proud of you for putting it back on there. i'm totally going to make spaghetti on wednesday night now.

Andrea said...

thanks for your encouragement and for giving a HOOT! Enjoy your spaghetti :)