Sunday, August 29, 2010

Homemade & Fresh Peach Crisp

Can I just start by saying this is SOOOOO simple... honestly- it takes no time at all to whip up this scrumptious dessert! I look forward to making some all winter long now that I have fresh frozen peaches waiting for me in my freezer! For those of you not familiar with cobblers, it's kinda like a pile of fruit with some yummy crunchy stuff on top- no crust underneath.

6-7 juicy, fresh peaches (pitted, peeled, and sliced)
2 cups oats
3 TBSP whole wheat flour
1/2 cup brown sugar
1/2 cup melted butter
1 tsp cinnamon
1/2 tsp nutmeg
1/4 cup pecans or walnuts, finely chopped

Step 1: Fresh peaches- peeled, pitted, and sliced right into the dish!
Step 2: Mix up the topping. That's it.
Simple. Wash, peel, pit and slice your peaches right into your 9 x 13 pyrex dish. Then mix up the remaining ingredients in a bowl, pouring your melted butter in last and mixing it until it's a crumbly topping. Scoop your crumbly topping out of the bowl and onto the top of the peaches, pop it in the oven on 375 for 30 minutes and cook until it's got a nice golden crisp color on top. It is best served warm with vanilla ice cream- but I am not gonna lie- it's delicious the next day chilled as a leftover delight!

Please excuse my old rickety pyrex dish, my cute one was in use!


Krissa said...

This looks delish. I froze a bunch of peaches this summer too. Do you think it would work to put them in frozen or should they be defrosted first?

Andrea said...

Krissa, I am just going to go with my gut on this one, even though I don't know for positive- but I would defrost them before using them to let the excess water (from defrosting) run off so that your cobbler doesn't come out smooshy or runny. If you try it report back to us so we all know for sure!

Aga Winnicka said...

Andrea, I love your blog. I just recommended your Peach cobbler in my newsletter to my readers. It is delicious!!
Let me know If you would like a copy of this newsletter :)

mamabear said...

Hi Andrea, Carolyn told me about your's so cute. I actually make this alot during the summer time. Mine is like your recipe, but I called it a Crisp....I think cobblers are made with dolloped dough and crisps are made with oats. Can't wait to try some of your recipes. Thanks for posting.

Unknown said...

I mixed the nutmeg,ginger cinnamon and a little sugar in with my fresh peaches instead of in the topping and added a little more butter to to topping mixture. not as healthy but really good! thanks!